
Fetterman aides concerned by senator’s unsafe driving, including FaceTiming behind the wheel: report 

The Pennsylvania Democrat's staff implemented “an informal practice” of not being in the car with him when he’s driving, for fear of their safety.

Senate Republicans sink Democrats' IVF legislation, push their own bill

Senate Republicans tanked an effort Thursday led by Democrats to advance legislation guaranteeing national access to in vitro fertilization, rallying around their alternative legislation instead.

Trump hints he has settled on his VP pick: ‘Sort of a pretty good idea’

Trump also indicated that his potential running mate pick was “probably” in the room with him at some point during his Thursday meetings with Republican congressional lawmakers.

Republican senators vow to hamstring Biden's judicial nominees over Trump 'persecution'

Six Republican senators led by Sen. JD Vance vowed to prevent fast-track consideration of President Biden's key nominees in protest of former President Donald Trump's "persecution."

Sen. John Fetterman 'at fault' after driving ‘well over’ speed limit when he rear-ended driver: police report 

The Pennsylvania Democrat was traveling in his Chevrolet Traverse "at a high rate of speed, well over the posted speed limit" of 70 mph, a witness told authorities.

A Mercedes, Grand Marnier and $250K: How an insurance agent got entangled in Bob Menendez bribery scheme 

Jose Uribe testified he tried to bribe Senator Menendez's wife after she said, "Most men who promised her things in the past never come through."

Afghanistan war vet Sam Brown secures Republican nomination in Nevada Senate primary  

The Nevada Senate race is considered one of the most competitive ones of the 2024 cycle. 

Democratic Sen. Patty Murray aide questioned HHS about migrants sheltering in Seattle — and they never came

An aide to powerful Democratic Sen. Patty Murray raised issues with staffers at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) about a plan to shelter migrants in downtown Seattle...

NJ businessman testifies that he bribed 'Gold Bar Bob' Menendez with a Mercedes-Benz

The terms of the deal involved hooking Nadine Menendez up with the new Mercedes-Benz C-300 in exchange for gaining “the power and influence” of the six-term senator “to do anything...

Desperate Democrats push conspiracy theory of GOP war on contraceptives

The Democratic charge that Republicans are somehow working to cut off access to contraception is so ludicrously unfounded that it amounts to an outlandish conspiracy theory.

Don't let 'Gold Bars' Menendez's blackmail bid pay off

As if the crimes he's now on trial for weren't enough, Sen. Bob “Gold Bars” Menendez seems to be engaged in political blackmail by filing to run as an independent...

Ex-NJ AG testifies that ‘Gold Bar’ Sen. Menendez pressured him to discuss active case: ‘Whoa, that was gross’

"I can't talk to you about this," Grewal recalled telling the powerful then-head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee after Menendez asked him to discuss an "pending criminal matter" in...

Sen John Fetterman says he's 'not a progressive': 'That label left me'

Sen. John Fetterman, D-Pa., responded to progressive critics suggesting he wasn't exactly who people thought he would be while he was campaigning. He added that the progressive "label" left him.

Senate Democrats fail to advance bill protecting access to birth control nationwide

The upper chamber voted 51-39 to advance the Right to Contraception Act. which would have enshrined protections for Americans' access to birth control and prohibited future bills to curb those...

Democratic senator blasts $5B program as 'failure' after only 7 EV-charging stations open in 3 years

"Something is terribly wrong and it needs to be fixed," the Oregon senator said.

Bob Menendez's re-election strategy: Run as independent to get a possible pardon

"He's in a great position to either force a pardon out of Biden or receive a pardon from Trump as thanks for taking enough seats away from Democrat Andy Kim,"...

Biden aides, Dems blame 'MAGA Republicans' for brutal report on president’s cognitive decline

WASHINGTON — President Biden's aides tried to blame "MAGA Republicans" Wednesday for a stunning report that described the 81-year-old as disengaged and confused in meetings — despite similar conduct being...

Vulnerable Montana Democratic senator to face Trump-backed Republican in key November race

The Montana Democrat faces a tough re-election battle in a deeply red state. 

'Gold Bar Bob’ Menendez launches independent bid for re-election to New Jersey Senate seat

The “Menendez for Senate” campaign submitted 2,465 signatures to the New Jersey Division of Elections, well over the 800 signatures needed on the petition for ballot access. 

The more Fetterman recovers, the less he's with the left

The more Sen John Fetterman's brain damage recedes the less he agrees with lefty activists and the Democratic Party’s functionaries.