
World record-breaking fossilized feces collector opens Poozeum: 'Prehistoric time capsules'

Poozeum founder and Guinness World Record holder George Frandsen aims to address the "glaring absence of coprolite representation" in natural history museums.

'Extremely rare' dinosaur discovered by 3 tweens: My friends 'don't believe me that I found a T. rex'

"I'm excited for my friends to see the film," one of the kids said. "They don't believe me that I found a T. rex."

Colossal ancient snake discovered in India could be longer than school bus, researchers say

“Considering its large size, Vasuki was a slow-moving ambush predator that would subdue its prey through constriction,” said Debajit Datta, who is a co-author on the study.

Paleontology enthusiast found 70-million-year-old dinosaur fossil while walking his dog

Damien Boschetto was walking in the forests of Montouliers near his home when the paleontology enthusiast discovered bones sticking out of the cliffside.

240-million-year-old fossil of 'Chinese dragon' with 'extraordinarily long neck' discovered in Southern China

The reptile, which scientists said looked similar to a "Chinese dragon," is a 16-foot-long aquatic reptile that existed in the Triassic period in Southern China.

Scientists discover 90,000-year-old human footprints, among oldest ever found

Two trails of ancient human footprints left by humans trekking across a Moroccan beach 90,000 years ago were discovered intact by archaeologists, who say they represent some of the oldest...

Shark fossils found in Kentucky and Alabama lead to discovery of two new species

The discovery was made through the Paleontological Resources Inventory at Mammoth Cave National Park in southern Kentucky.

Megalodon not quite as mega as scientists and 'The Meg' filmmakers thought, new study reveals

Scientists are taking "The Meg" down a peg.

What we thought we knew about T. rex was wrong, researchers say in new study

An old dinosaur debate gained new traction after a new study's findings suggesting that miniature versions of the famed Tyrannosaurus rex may actually be a distinct species. Researchers from the University of...

150 million year-old fossil to be hacked up — to see what secrets his bones might reveal

Big Al the Allosaurus, recovered 30 years ago and currently 95% complete, will be fully examined by experts at the Museum of The Rockies in Bozeman, Montana.

Footprints found at ancient lake challenge old belief of first humans in Americas

The new discovery suggests that the first people actually arrived in the Americas much earlier than previously believed.

See the 'bloodthirsty' apex predators that roamed Earth millions of years before the dinosaurs

These carnivores were classic — well before Jurassic. A new archeological study has uncovered further evidence of the apex predators said to have "dominated" the Earth 40 million years ahead...

Mammals may have hunted down dinosaurs for dinner, rare fossil suggests

An unusual find in China suggests some early mammals may have hunted dinosaur for dinner.

Fossil hunter spots 450,000-year-old mammoth tusk while at quarry: 'Sticking out like a sore thumb'

The four-foot-long mammoth tusk was "sticking out like a sore thumb," he told SWNS.

Rare 115 million-year-old dinosaur fossils found in Maryland park for first time since 1887

Scientists discovered a trove of rare dinosaur bones dating back 115 million years at Maryland’s aptly named Dinosaur Park, marking the first “bone bed” found in the state since 1887.

Dinosaurs coexisted with human ancestors, palaeobiologists say

A new paper published in the journal Current Biology suggests that human ancestors lived with dinosaurs for a short time before the reptilian beasts went extinct.

Bizarre 1.5 million-year-old discovery may be earliest proof of cannibalism

Was it a prime-eval rib? Researchers with the Smithsonian Museum Of Natural History have uncovered mysterious marks, which could be the earliest evidence of cannibalism.

‘Bloody everywhere’: Australia’s incredible ‘dinosaur boom’

Australia is in the midst of an incredible “dinosaur boom” as record numbers of farmers unearth ancient bones.

Jogger discovers Mastodon tooth dating back to Ice Age that went missing from beach

“I practically hit the floor. It was a mastodon tooth, right in the same area where we know mastodons lived in Santa Cruz County,” Thompson told KRON 4.

New $465M American Museum of Natural History center is crawling with bugs

The Post stepped into a cavernous atrium in the 230,000-square-foot center designed by architect Jeanne Gang that recalls the canyons of the American southwest.