
Kardashian-Jenner Scorpio energy predicts hot sex in 2023

America’s first family of infighting, vaginal candles, dicey romantic liaisons, Photoshop fails, tequila advocacy and really, really good hair has had a hell of a year. And we the public have looked on with varying degrees of shock, awe, enthusiasm and disdain. What would we do without them?

For the Kar-Jenner clan 2022 was marked by a move from E! to Hulu, a healthy dose of births and breakups, fertility struggles, infidelity rumors, substantiated stepping out, and the undermining antics of one unwieldy cucumber.


Defined as they are by wealth and scandal, it’s no surprise the Kardashians are a swirling, rich AF mess of Scorpio placements. The fixed water sign is associated with the eight house of sex, death, shadow work, regeneration, other people’s money and most importantly the pursuit of success and acquisition of power at all costs. It’s a vibe, folks.

The Kardashian clan has capitalized on the public’s curiosity. HULU

As the fam has given us plenty to write about this year, we are returning the favor by casting a discerning eye skyward and offering insight into some of their Scorpio magic as well as 2023 zodiac predictions for the whole of the Kardashian clan. Transit prediction information courtesy of my sister Elise Wells of Planet Poetica.

What’s in store? Read on and keep up.

Kris Jenner

Kris Jenner rocks a cat eye, serious shoulder pads and a Scorpio’s skill for PR. Getty Images

Born on Nov. 5, 1955, Kris is the steely Scorpio matriarch of the family. Proof positive of her sun sign, she allegedly orchestrated the leaking of daughter Kim’s infamous sex tape in a bid to increase visibility and opportunities for the star and her siblings. Wielding sex as a weapon in the campaign for fame? Pure Scorpio power play. 

In 2023, Uranus, punk rock planet of shakeups takes center stage for Jenner in her eleventh house of community, suggesting surprises are in store especially relative to her sexuality. Maybe a leaked orgy tape? A line of branded intimate toys? K shaped vibrators or a how to sex book with chapter offerings from all members of her famous fam? The skies the limit, the mind is the gutter, and we wait with bated breath and reserve judgement.

Kim Kardashian 

Kim Kardashian has Mercury, planet of communication in Scorpio. Getty Images for The Met Museum/

Born on Oct. 21, 1980, Kim falls on the cusp — or dividing days — between the zodiac signs of Libra and Scorpio. Known colloquially as the cusp of drama and criticism, the Libra/Scorpio knife edge blends the elements of air and water and the personality traits of brutal honesty and sharp judgment. Most astrologers don’t subscribe to cusps but I couldn’t resist noting how perfect and poetic the summation is for Kardashian.

In terms of concrete Scorpio placements, Kim K has Mercury, planet of exchange and communion in the fixed water sign. Mercury in Scorpio folk have a well maintained mystique and are easily able to cultivate conversations regarding the taboo. We see this in Kim K who famously admitted she would eat s**t if it kept her young and has been consistently revealing about her sex life and beauty routine, two things celebs are typically tight lipped about.

Kim Kardashian is poised to break free of familial bonds and relationship obligations in 2K23. Getty Images

Mercury in Scorpio natives like Kardashian have no fear of dark or illicit subject matter and they live to dig; for information, intimacy and meaning. This ilk makes for natural investigators and researchers and Kardashian for her part, is an aspiring attorney and legal advocate concerned with bringing truth to light and justice into being.

Following the end of her relationship with BDE ambassador Pete Davidson and a year spent fielding flat out harassment from her unhinged ex-husband, 2023 promises to bring Kardashian the clarity and sovereignty she deserves. Having spent most of her adult life defined by her relationships to both her family and her romantic partners, Kim K is poised to carve her identity and expand her brand independent of the influence of either.

Kylie Jenner

Kylie Jenner has a Scorpio moon and million dollar empire. TheRealSPW / MEGA

Kylie Jenner, the youngest of the Kar-Jenner crew was born on August 10, 1997, making her a limelight-lapping Leo with a secret keeping, pain tallying Scorpio moon.

In astrology, the position of the moon in the birth chart indicates our emotional needs and approach to meeting them. When Scorpio lives in the lunar sector, palpable sexuality is present alongside a deep need for catharsis of all kinds. Jenner’s pull towards the dark and darkly sexy was made manifest in advertisements for her Kylie Cosmetics x A Nightmare on Elm Street collaboration. In an ominous video clip, Kylie can be seen nude and dripping in blood, which is coincidentally, the preferred condition of the Scorpio moon. The secretive nature of Jenner’s moon is further evident in her decision not to reveal the new name of her son, the infant formerly known as Wolfe.

2023 will be a bit of a rewind for Jenner who will be thinking hard about the past, digging deep emotionally and perhaps taking a step towards formal commitment with a wedding to or full moon blood oath pact with long term Taurus love Travis Scott.

Khloé Kardashian

Koko has Mars, planet of war and will, in Scorpio. ABC

Khloé, the sole Cancer in the family band, came to be on June 27, 1984, bringing with her the fury of a Scorpio Mars.

In the birth chart Mars, named for the god of war, represents our active energy, ambition and sex drive. Mars in Scorpio people are prone to extremes with an all or nothing approach to life and love. Folk like Koko are drawn into intense love affairs but find themselves often, easily and irrevocably wounded by their mates. For Kardashian, this wounding has materialized as humiliating incidents of infidelity in her relationships with exes Tristan Thompson and Lamar Odom. Yet, the vibe here is straight phoenix rising from the ashes of the hell fires of the heart and though she has been burned, there is a landscape beyond pain and what emerges there is a version of herself that is always stronger, wiser and more discerning.

In 2023, Kardashian’s Jupiter, planet of expansion, and Neptune, planet of dreams, are conjunct her Black Moon Lilith, the place within the birth chart that indicates the hidden self and forbidden sexual nature. This conjunction indicates that Kardashian’s sexuality will be at its most actualized and apparent. She may try and heal what has harmed her by experimenting with new kinds of partners and relationship dynamics or by falling in love, full tilt and at long last, with the true north of herself.

Kendall Jenner

Kendall Jenner is a Scorpio sun with an Aries moon. Getty Images for DKNY

Kendall Jenner was born on Nov. 3, 1995, under the sun sign of Scorpio, radiating its dark power through her seventh house of partnerships. Sun in Scorpio in the seventh intimates that Jenner finds purpose and power through partnerships of all kinds; business, friendships and long term commitments. These bonds allow her to operate in a healing capacity and also to transform herself by understanding the pain and perspective of others.

In kind, Kendall appears to be the least combative and most compassionate of her familial lot and she boasts an expansive and very, very rich friend group that includes Justin Bieber, Gigi and Bella Hadid, Fai Khadra, Harry Styles and fellow Scorpio Willow Smith.

Kylie Jenner, Kim Kardashian West and Kendall Jenner attend the 2019 Met Gala. Getty Images for The Met Museum

The underbelly or scorpion tail of this placement is a tendency to eschew accountability and blame others for the failings of the self. This extremity — and aversion to accepting responsibility — is exhibited in Jenner’s response to the controversy surrounding her problematic endorsements of 818 Tequila and Pepsi in 2017

Fresh off the latest ending of her on again off again relationship with basketball star Devon Booker, Jenner’s 2023 will be defined by the influence of death daddy planet Pluto conjunct her shakeup planet Uranus. This conjunction suggests major breakthroughs and breakdowns are nigh for KJ. Will this take the form of a surprise pregnancy? A shaved head and announcement that she’s going social media dark to live off grid with a speed metal bassist she met at a Kava bar? The only guarantee is the unexpected.

Kourtney Kardashian 

Kourtney Kardashian has Uranus, planet of disruption in Scorpio. FilmMagic

Eldest Kardashian sister Kourtney was born April 18, 1979, making her an Aries sun with rabble rousing Uranus in Scorpio in her eighth house of transformation.

Having the planet of disruption in the sign of power and control shows us that Kourtney is absolutely unstoppable and absolutely not to be f**ked with. Formidable and innovative, she is oxygenated by risk and thrives in situations that challenge her to create clever solution to chaotic circumstances.

For a prime example of Kardashian’s taste for risk and chaos, I bring you the entirety of her relationship with Scott Disick. Amid family upheaval, her breakup with Disick and the challenges of co-parenting with him, Kardashian has proved indomitable in her approach to life and open-hearted when it comes to true love — two pillars of the Scorpio spirit. 

Kourtney Kardashian married Scorpio rocker Travis Barker in 2022. Zuffa LLC

If that wasn’t enough Plutonian power for one family, Kardashian’s husband and partner in PDA ladies and gentlemen, Travis Barker was born Nov. 14, 1975, making him a card carrying Scorpio and the latest and greatest significant other to be welcomed into the family fold.

2023 will see this pair, who were wed in a goth rock inspired, couture sponsored, Italian ceremony in 2022, grow deeper in and through their love for one another. Lots of healing at the helm and the sense that these two will make a home of and with each other. I don’t however see a pregnancy or surrogacy on the horizon for Kardashian. Instead, with the influences and transits ahead, I predict a deepening of the bond between the members of their new, blended family.

However the winds of change and wheels of fate alter the course for these women, we wish them well, health and wealth, love and luck.

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers, as well as extensively chronicled her experiences while traveling. Among the many intriguing topics she has tackled are cemetery etiquette, her love for dive bars, Cuban Airbnbs, a “girls guide” to strip clubs and the “weirdest” foods available abroad.