
Expect ‘sweatshirt-on-the-beach weather’ this Memorial Day weekend

Don’t expect to take a dip down the shore this Memorial Day weekend, as cool temperatures will remain throughout the tri-state area.

“The water’s still very cold,” Fox Weather meteorologist Samantha Thomas told The Post. “You’re not going swimming, probably.”

Thomas said air temperatures will be in the mid-to-upper-60s each day of the long weekend and by Monday, conditions will become “a little breezier.”

Memorial Day Monday forecasts.
Air temperatures will be in the mid-to-upper-60s each day of the long weekend. FOX WEATHER
Memorial Day Monday forecasts
By the end of the weekend, areas in South Jersey, like Atlantic City, may pick up some rain. FOX WEATHER

For those heading to the beach, layers may be necessary.

“It will be a little chilly … probably more like sweatshirt-on-the-beach weather,” Thomas explained. “But the sun’s going to be shining.”

The water off Coney Island was a brisk 60 degrees Saturday afternoon, 1 degree colder than Friday, according to

By the end of the weekend, areas in South Jersey, like Atlantic City, may pick up some rain. “But anywhere north of that, we’re looking at a great weekend,” she said.

“It’s one of the nicer Memorial Day weekends we’ve had in the last couple of years.”